KPMG: Volunteers in Action

Sep 11, 2024

KPMG: Volunteers in Action

Every year, KPMG, a valued Employer Sponsor in the CareerSpring Network, celebrates “Community Impact Day,” a special initiative encouraging their employees to dedicate time to volunteer with various non-profit and community organizations. This summer, we were thrilled to be part of this impactful event.

KPMG employee Jonathan Cantu, who used CareerSpring’s Platform in college, was eager to give back. He volunteered to record a video for our Career Video Library, sharing valuable insights and advice on his role with current students. 

Reflecting on the experience, Jonathan shared, “The entire process was smooth, leading to an overall wonderful conversation with an output full of impact. This opportunity, though small, could change so many perspectives and, in turn, lives. It’s a testament to how even small acts can make a big difference.”

Jonathan’s story, along with all the other KPMG employees that participated, highlights the profound impact that small acts of volunteering can have with the Advisees CareerSpring supports

If you’re inspired by his experience and KPMG’s initiative, please consider hosting a volunteer day with CareerSpring. For more information or to get involved, please contact your local Regional Program Manager or email us at Additionally, if you’d like to create a Career Video, let our team know by completing our Interest Form.

By participating, you can help shape FGLI students’ futures and create a lasting impact.